Dive In Style: Choosing the Best Swimsuits and Goggles for Your Little Swimmers


Dive In Style: Choosing the Best Swimsuits and Goggles for Your Little Swimmers

December 20, 2023 @ 1:14 pm

As a parent, you understand the importance of ensuring your child is comfortable and safe during swimming lessons. One key element to consider is the right swimsuit and goggles combination. Finding the perfect balance between functionality, comfort, and style can make a significant difference in your child’s swimming experience. In this guide, we’ll explore the best swimsuits and goggles for your little swimmers, helping you make informed choices for their aquatic adventures. Choosing the Perfect Swimsuit Comfort is Key For young ladies, look for swimsuits made from comfortable and stretchy materials like lycra/nylon or polyester blends. Avoid rough seams or …


Lifelong Benefits of Early Strength Training

December 11, 2023 @ 3:33 pm

In a world where the pursuit of health and fitness is a priority, one aspect often overlooked is the overwhelming impact of strength training, especially when initiated early in life. The following points should be considered when deciding when to begin lifting whether it’s inspired by longevity or performance. Building Strong Bones and Joints One of the significant advantages of early strength training is its positive impact on bone density. Childhood and adolescence are critical periods for bone development, and weight-bearing exercises promote the growth of strong, healthy bones. Resistance training is especially beneficial for swimmers since swimming is non-weight-bearing. …


How to be a Good Swim Parent

November 9, 2023 @ 3:19 pm

Support A great role for parents is to be there for their kids, no matter what. This includes logistical tasks such as getting them to practice, nourishing them, making sure they are entered in meets, making sure they have all the right equipment, etc. Supporting the swimmer is a fun thing to do!  You get to be the one constant that is always there, especially when they are hurting. Unconditional love, especially when they are upset, is key. Be Positive Provide encouragement. Be steady when they fail. Avoid gossip about other swimmers, other parents, the coach, or the program. Leave the coaching to the coach – the …


Benefits of Group Swimming Lessons for Young Swimmers

October 30, 2023 @ 9:45 am

As parents, ensuring the safety and well-being of our children is always a top priority. At PPA, we believe one of the most important safety measures we can take is acquiring water safety skills through swimming lessons. While both group and private swimming lessons have their merits, we’re focusing here on the benefits of group swimming lessons for your child. Group lessons offer a unique and valuable experience that can help your child develop not only their swimming skills but also important social and emotional skills. Social Interaction Group lessons provide an excellent opportunity for children to interact with their …


What’s the pool temperature?

October 16, 2023 @ 1:22 pm

On a daily basis, most pool operators know they’re going to be asked, “What’s the pool temperature today?”. It’s a tough question, knowing just about every swimmer has a personal preference. So, what’s a “good” pool temperature and how can we mitigate the effects of water that feels too cold or too warm to us personally? Water conducts heat away from the human body far more rapidly than air, resulting in a much different feeling at the same temperature. For example, our gym is kept at a comfortable 68 degrees, while maintaining a pool at 68 degrees would make it …


5 Tips for your First Swim Meet

October 5, 2023 @ 9:33 am

Come Prepared Every swimmer needs the proper gear to compete and bring two of everything! You never know when something might rip or tear. That includes two pairs of goggles (have them adjusted already to fit), two of your team caps, two suits and two towels. Check with your coach a few days before to see what type of swim suit you should bring. Beyond the “essentials”; extra sweatpants, sweatshirt (team apparel!), and/or team parka to wear when you’re wet. Don’t forget an additional pair of shoes (sneakers are preferred) to keep you warm between races. Bring Snacks Fueling your …


Why practice in cooler and deeper pools?

September 15, 2023 @ 9:55 am

Diving into Safety: Why Children Should Practice Water Safety and Swimming Skills in Cooler and Deeper Pools. As parents and guardians, ensuring the safety of our children around water is a top priority. While it might seem counterintuitive to expose them to cooler and deeper swimming pools, there are compelling reasons why practicing swimming and water safety skills in such environments can be highly beneficial. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of introducing children to cooler and deeper pools for their swimming and water safety education. Developing Stronger Swimming Abilities Cooler water temperatures and deeper pools present unique challenges …


Tips for Back to School with Sports

September 11, 2023 @ 1:03 pm

Adapt your sleep and eating schedule appropriately Adequate rest is key and getting back into the groove of school requires switching the internal clock (especially for those night owls!) to the new norm. Go to bed a few minutes earlier each night until you find a routine that allows for 8+ hours of sleep each night. No longer are those summer hours, make sure to change your eating patterns for breakfast before school. Plan what you’re going to eat the night before and prep as much as possible, so you don’t skip the needed nutrients to jump start your system. …


5 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Fear of Swimming Lessons

August 30, 2023 @ 10:18 am

PPA Parents know learning to swim is an important life skill, but for some children, the thought of being in the water can be terrifying. If your child is afraid of swimming lessons, there are a few things you can do to help them overcome their fear. 1. Determine the reason for their fear and validate that fear. The first step is to try to understand why your child is afraid of swimming. Is it because they have had a negative experience in the past? Are they afraid of getting water in their eyes or ears? Once you know the …


Long days seated in a desk

August 14, 2023 @ 10:00 am

As summer ends and a new year of school approaches, students’ activity levels will likely take a hit. Long days seated in a desk are hard to avoid, but the stiff and achy joints that tend to follow can be minimized by taking a few simple steps: Minimize extended time seated. Taking small breaks to get up and move. This can be as brief as 2 minutes and should be done at least once per hour. Set timers to check your posture. Avoid hunching over and slouching while seated. Maintaining a neutral pelvis with a stacked rib cage will improve …


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